James E Leary

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Caring for Disease or Inner Self


"We very speedily care for bodily diseases; they are too painful to let us slumber in silence: and they soon urge us to seek a physician or a surgeon for our healing.  Oh, if we were as much alive to the more serious wounds of inner man."

quoted from Spurgeons Sorrows, Eswine, Zack- Charles Spurgeon, "Healing for the Wounded, " The New Park Street Pulpit (NPSP) Sermon 53 in the Spurgeon Archive (http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0053.htm), accessed 12/13/13

I (Scott) have found Spurgeons Sorrows a book by Zack Eswine very helpful.  Charles Haddon Spurgeon highlights above how little time we give to our inner thoughts.  I am learning how little time people give to discussions of the heart and inner self.  So many of us have never spoke with or shared our struggles with losing hope.  Most of us are lead to believe that there is no one else who feels the way we do.   This cannot be further from the truth.  In the coming weeks, The Hope Podcast will be sharing stories from people who turned from despair to find hope.