James E Leary

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A View From Gethsemane

I had the privilege to speak this past Sunday at Trinity Bible Church in Vineland, NJ. I shared some insights I have gleaned from Matthew 26:36-46, as Jesus prepared Himself for the events surrounding his arrest and crucifixion. 

Here are a few takeaways from yesterday's message:

You will never truly understand the Christian life until you learn how to die to self.

Could Jesus have avoided the cup of His suffering? I leave that to theologians who know far more than I. I am convinced of this. Jesus wanted the Will of God more than He wanted to avoid the cross.

It is clear by observing our churches that many of us want our will (and our preferences) more than we want the Will of God for our lives and our churches.

Isn't it good to know that God is the God of second chances. Like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God extends His grace and mercy to each of us.

Near the end of my message I briefly shared the story of Robertson McQuilken, who resigned as President of Columbia Bible College to be the primary care-giver of his wife with Alzheimers. 

He was interviewed by Dennis Rainey about his decision and sacrifice. This is a brief quote from that interview.

I don’t feel like I’ve given anything up. Our life is not the way we plot it or plan it.... All along I’ve just accepted whatever assignment the Lord gave me. This was his assignment. I know I’m not supposed to have that kind of reaction, but you asked me, and I have to be honest. I never went to a support group. I had enough of my own burdens without taking on everybody else’s. Sometimes I have accepted an invitation to speak at one of these. A lot of angry people. They’re angry at God for letting this happen—“Why me?” They’re angry at the one they care for, and then they feel guilty about it because they can’t explain why they’re angry at them.... I say, in acceptance there’s peace."

I closed with the following challenge.

What will you do the next time you encounter a Gethsemane-like experience? Will you choose the Will of God for your life, or will you follow your own interests and desires?

May God give us the grace and courage to follow Him no matter the cost.

~ Jim