James E Leary

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The Work of Self-Publishing: A Journey of Growth and Reflection

Writing a book is similar to embarking on a profound personal journey, one that tests and refines you at every turn. My own journey to become intentional with my writing began years ago, with early drafts of “Embracing Gethsemane” taking shape in the quiet moments of my life. These early pages, filled with thoughts and stories, were like seeds, sown in the fertile ground of my imagination. However, as with any good harvest, it wasn't a journey to be walked alone.

Last year marked a significant turning point when I invited eight friends to journey with me through another draft. They became my companions, my sounding board, offering comments and insights as I sent them a chapter at a time. Their feedback was immensely helpful, guiding me through the fog of my own doubts and uncertainties. The value of their feedback cannot be overstated; they were instrumental in shaping the early contours of my book.

As fall arrived, a new chapter began. I started working with my editor, a professional whose insights and comments have been nothing short of a revelation. This collaboration marked a transition from the comfortable camaraderie of friends to the more structured and challenging realm of professional editing. My editor, with her keen eye and understanding of the craft, brought a new depth to the work. Her observations have been sharp, her suggestions insightful, and her commitment unwavering.

One of her recent observations struck a particular chord with me. She noted that I used one specific word frequently throughout the manuscript. This illustrates the value of working with an editor, and when she commented on the frequent use of that word, I discovered that I used it over 60 times! This observation set me on another journey, one that has included a thesaurus and a quest to eliminate every instance of that word. This is part of the rewriting process, an opportunity to refine and enhance the clarity and impact of the narrative. It is a meticulous, sometimes tedious process, but in these moments of searching for the right word, I find a deeper understanding of my own writing style and voice.

As I continue to work through her latest round of comments, I am reminded that writing is an evolving process, a perpetual state of learning and growth. Every page edited, every word scrutinized, brings me closer to the vision I have for my book. It is my earnest prayer that when this book is launched, it will not only reflect the years of effort and dedication but also resonate with and be helpful to its readers.

Choosing to self-publish adds another layer of complexity to this endeavor. It demands a blend of creativity and pragmatism, a willingness to take on the roles of both writer and publisher. The path is challenging, undoubtedly filled with obstacles and learning curves. Yet, the prospect of seeing my book in the hands of readers, of sharing my thoughts and stories, makes every challenge worth it.

As I anticipate “Embracing Gethsemane” being published sometime early this year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the friends who walked the early part of this journey with me, for an editor whose expertise has been invaluable, and for the countless lessons learned along the way. This book, a labor of love and perseverance, is a testament to the power of collaboration, the importance of feedback, and the unyielding pursuit of a dream.

In sharing this journey, my hope is to inspire you if you are standing at the threshold of your own creative endeavors. Feel free to reach out if you are on a similar journey, and maybe we can encourage each other. Also, I pray that you will find the courage to step forward, the wisdom to seek guidance, and the resilience to see your vision come to life.


The Chaplain Writer