James E Leary

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The Renewed Mind

The Renewed Mind

In Romans 12:1-2, I read a message that resonates deeply with me, especially in my struggle against addictive and sinful choices. Paul’s exhortation to not conform to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of my mind is a guiding light in my faith journey. This passage reminds me of a Gethsemane moment, where, like Jesus in the garden, I am called to face my deepest trials and choose God's will over my own.

Living in a world that imposes its own definitions of success, beauty, and happiness, the temptation to conform is strong. This world often leads us toward addictive behaviors and sinful choices, mirroring the agony of Gethsemane where the easy path might have been to succumb to human fear and abandon God’s will. The pursuit of material wealth, the obsession with fame, and indulgence in harmful habits are just a few examples of how seductive these paths can be, drawing us away from spiritual wholesomeness.

Paul's words in Romans 12:1-2 offer a powerful counter to this conformity. He advocates not merely for an external detachment from worldly norms but for an internal revolution, a profound change that starts within the mind. This transformation is essential in the daily battle against temptations, much like Jesus' internal struggle in Gethsemane.

The question then arises: How do I achieve this transformation? Paul points to the renewal of the mind as the key, akin to Jesus' resolve in Gethsemane to align His will with God’s. This renewal for me means replacing harmful thoughts and urges with God's truth. It involves delving into scripture and prayer, allowing God’s word and presence to reshape my understanding and desires. This shift from worldly temptations to a God-centered perspective, though challenging, is vital for my spiritual well-being.

This transformation serves a purpose beyond personal righteousness or spiritual enlightenment. It is about testing and discerning God’s will, much like Jesus discerning and accepting God's will in His moment of anguish. In a world filled with deceptive choices, understanding and following God's will becomes a beacon. As my mind aligns with God's word, my ability to discern His will amidst addictive and sinful choices strengthens.

The impact of this transformation is significant. Slowly, my values and actions begin reflecting what is truly good, distancing from superficial and harmful choices, much like Jesus chose the path of sacrifice over comfort. Society's norms no longer dictate my actions; instead, I strive to live by God’s standards. Perfection thus is not about flawlessness but about aligning with God’s will, reminiscent of Jesus' ultimate submission in Gethsemane.

Romans 12:1-2 serves as a reminder and a call to a life opposing cultural norms, especially those leading to sin and addiction. This journey, akin to a Gethsemane experience, requires constant effort and divine assistance. By renewing my mind with God's truth, I can resist conforming to the world's detrimental patterns. Instead, I am empowered to discern and follow God's will, leading a life that is truly good, acceptable, and perfect in His eyes, much like Jesus’ resolute choice in the garden.


The Chaplain Writer