The Making of the Chaplain Writer: The Early Years - Youth For Christ

As I reflect on my journey of faith, I am drawn back to the pivotal years of my youth, particularly to the winter of 1970. It was then, in the small town of Elkins, where Tracey and Delores Sibley had launched the Youth for Christ (YFC) group. They began with a modest group of high school students, nurturing a community where faith blossomed.

Lynne, who was my girlfriend back then, was my introduction to this transformative experience. I recall declining her initial invitation to a YFC meeting. However, curiosity got the better of me the following week, leading me to a moment that would redefine my life. As Tracey extended an invitation to accept Christ as Savior that evening, his words resonated with me deeply. It was a cold evening in February, but within me, something warm and unshakeable had been ignited. That night marked the beginning of my walk with Christ as I trusted Jesus as my Savior, a journey I embarked upon thanks to Lynne’s simple yet profound gesture.

In those early days, Tracey played a crucial role in deepening my understanding and commitment to faith. His guidance, though I didn’t fully grasp it then, was a form of discipleship. He was nurturing not just me but many others in our group. Remarkably, most of us from that early 1970s group are still steadfast in our walk with Christ. This testament to Tracey's influence speaks volumes about the lasting impact of genuine spiritual mentorship.

Music was a vibrant part of our YFC experience. Being part of The New Life Singers and Eternity Express remains one of my cherished memories. We once painted a bus in the colors of red, white, and blue, a vivid symbol of our youthful zeal and unity. This bus was our vessel to the YFC Convention in Ocean City, New Jersey – a journey marked by camaraderie and spiritual growth.

The summer of 1972, right after my high school graduation, was another significant milestone. Our group, Eternity Express, emerged victorious in a competition at the Youth for Christ Convention at the Music Pier in Ocean City, NJ, and we were each awarded a scholarship. It was during this week that I encountered Mr. Vickers, the Admissions Director at the Philadelphia College of Bible. He was actively recruiting on the boardwalk, and our paths crossed. Initially, his persistence was a source of annoyance, as I had plans to attend Asbury College. Yet, his perseverance and the opportunity presented by the scholarship led me to reconsider. This encounter, seemingly incidental at the time, was a divine appointment steering me toward a path I had not envisioned.

My involvement with Youth For Christ, the experiences at the Ocean City convention, and my interactions with Mr. Vickers, who has since passed away, collectively guided me to the Philadelphia College of Bible. This decision turned out to be a pivotal moment in my life, one that God used to direct me into ministry.

Looking back, I see how each of these events, people, and decisions were intricately woven into the tapestry of my faith journey. From Lynne's invitation to YFC meetings to the persistent encouragement of Mr. Vickers, each element played a role in shaping my path.

There are at least three foundational principles that influenced my early years in Youth for Christ.

* The Impact of Personal Relationships on Spiritual Growth

* The Role of Mentorship and Community in Faith Development

* God’s Guidance and Being Open to His Leading

This journey, which started in the humble beginnings of a youth group, was the groundwork for a life dedicated to ministry, a testament to the profound impact that Youth for Christ had in molding me into the person I am today.


The Chaplain Writer

This post marks another chapter in my month-long series, The Making of The Chaplain Writer. As I unfold the stories that have molded my journey, I invite you to join me in exploring how our shared narratives can birth hope and encouragement. If these stories resonate with you, I would be grateful if you could share the website link with others who might also find value in them. Let's spread the inspiration together!

Credit: Old Images of Philadelphia - 1800 Arch Street - PCB Campus. Former YWCA