Called From The Wilderness: Embracing Our Mission With God's Promise of Presence

Moses, while tending sheep in the desert, encountered a burning bush through which God spoke to him. Tasked with freeing the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, Moses was filled with doubt, questioning his capability and worthiness for such a mission. This sentiment resonates with many of us who, when faced with significant tasks or challenges, question our abilities and worthiness. Moses' hesitancy was grounded; he was an exile, had a speech issue, and was wanted in Egypt for murder. However, God's assurance to Moses was clear: "I will be with you." Today, the pursuit of perfection often overshadows our actions. But God does not necessarily call the prepared but prepares the called. Numerous biblical figures, including Moses, Jeremiah, and Gideon, doubted their capacities. Yet, their perceived weaknesses became vessels for God's strength. Feelings of inadequacy shouldn't deter you from your purpose. When God tasks you, he accompanies and strengthens you in the journey. Therefore, you should approach challenges with faith, remembering that God's promise is always, "I will be with you."